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business advisor norwich

The Formula for Change (and buying cushions)

I was with a client yesterday and during the session introduced the Formula for Change.  I was thinking about it driving home and realised that literally everyone that I have shared this with has always found it hugely useful as it’s a powerful concept that can be applied to all areas of life and business alike.

So you’ll be relieved to know it is not quite as complex as the formula above!  Here it is:

D x V x F > R

D = Dissatisfaction – the current level of dissatisfaction we feel with whatever situation we’re dealing with (mark out of 10)

V = Vision – Our ability to visualise and understand how we would like the situation to be (mark out of 10)

F = First steps – How easy it is to take the first steps to make the change (mark out of 10)

R = Resistance – Our resistance to making the change (mark out of 1000)

Let’s explain this is with a real life scenario:

Like many females my partner is not averse to having a few cushions on the bed. However as I’m a bloke I find the concept a little baffling; when going to bed the cushions are removed and thrown all over the floor and in the morning they have to be picked up and carefully placed back on the bed (in the correct order) for maximum aesthetic appeal. Therefore when my partner suggests we pop into John Lewis to buy more cushions needless to say I’m not overly enthusiastic.

So let’s work backwards. My Resistance to more cushions is fairly low, I don’t see the need for the change however I’m not absolutely against it, let’s score it 300/1000.

My First steps score is high as I have nothing to do, my partner is going to do it all, therefore it’s very easy for me, so it’s a 10/10.

My Vision score is also high, yes I don’t understand why we need more cushions but I can visualise them on the bed, it’s also a 10/10.

However, my Dissatisfaction score is 0/10, because I personally don’t feel any need for more cushions on the bed.

So putting it all into the formula:

D(0) x V(10) x F(10) > (R)300     or 0 must be greater than 300 – which it isn’t therefore if it’s down to me nothing will change, no new cushions.

However, in reality I do have some Dissatisfaction because I do not want to be continuously reminded that we need more cushions, so my Dissatisfaction score may in fact be say 4/10.

So, re-visiting the formula:

D(4) x V(10) x F(10) > (R)300     or 400 must be greater than 300 – which it is and this is why my partner gets her cushions!

OK, so that’s a light-hearted example but it shows how the formula works! In business imagine:

How could you use it when implementing changes within your team?

How could you use it when selling to your prospects?

How could you use it when negotiating?

There are many, many situations where it can be used, go for it and good luck! business advisor norwich